Lazarski Aviation Academy Members

At Lazarski Aviation Academy our expert will help you spread your wings. The research staff is represented by experienced lecturers who have great theoretical knowledge and profound hard skills, which would not be possible without true passion for flying. At our academy you can find aviation law specialists, professional pilots, employees of many Polish and international aviation institutions.

Anna Konert

Director of Lazarski Aviation Academy, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration

Tomasz Balcerzak

Military pilot, former CEO of Eurolot Airlines, expert in the aviation industry

Mateusz Osiecki

International law specialist, editor of the portal “International Observer”

Piotr Kasprzyk

Legal advisor, pilot, Rector’s proxy for aviation studies and programs at Lazarski University

Agnieszka Kunert-Diallo

Chief Compliance Officer at LOT Polish Airlines, Director of the Compliance Department at the Polish Aviation Group

Ewa Jasiuk

Advocate, expert in European and international aviation law

Małgorzata Goralska

Lazarski Aviation Academy Director Representative for Unmanned Aviation Projects

Katarzyna Krupa-Lipińska

Patent attorney, Dean of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian District of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys

Jakub Kubicki

Professional CPL (A) pilot, theoretical and practical training instructor

Katarzyna Łuczak

Legal counsel at the Civil Aviation Authority

Jacek Mainka

Pilot, pilotage coordinator in the field of Aviation Law and Professional Pilot License

Dobrochna Minich

Lawyer and political scientist; Secretary of the Board of the “Fontes” Association for Research on the Sources and Functions of Law

Dominik Wąż

Lawyer, communication pilot


Piotr Galej

Specialize in aviation security management and risk assessment in civil aviation.

Anna Burchacińska-Mańko

Legal advisor specializing in aviation and tourism law

Krystyna Marut

Legal advisor specializing in aviation and tourism law

Edyta Michalak

Legal advisor specializing in aviation and tourism law

Wiesław Jedynak

Professional airline pilot, aircraft constructor, aviation safety expert

Edmund Klich

Colonel, res. pilot of the Polish Army, doctor of military sciences, from 2006 to 2012 head of the State Commission for Investigation of Aviation Accidents

Karolina Bonarska-Lenarczyk

Legal advisor of the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw

Michał Chmielewski

Advisor to the Management Board of Smartt Re Sp. Z o.o., an expert in the preparation, negotiation and placement of aviation risks

Małgorzata Iwanowska

Head of the 1st Department of Aviation Law System at the Legal and Legislative Department of the Civil Aviation Authority

Agata Kaczyńska

Lawyer, expert in civil aviation

Julian Rotter

President of Civil Aviation Authority

Piotr Czech

Director of Chopin Airport in Warsaw, expert and consultant in the field of civil aviation safety and regulations regarding the operation, certification of airports and air navigation

Mariusz Krzyżanowski

Air transport expert, aviation safety expert at the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency

Piotr Łaciński

Aviation Lawer

Adam Tarnowski

Expert in the field of aviation psychology, member of the Psychology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Scientific Council of the Central Institute for Labor Protection

Michał Witkowski

Chief Operating Officer, Deputy Port Director at PPL S.A.

PhD hab.
Anna Borowska

Head of the Aviation Communication Research Center, aviation English trainer, Aviation English examiner

Jan Malawko

Expert in the field of data analytics and visualization in the field of aviation, managing the implementation of global aviation projects

Marzena Mazur

Business psychologist, management expert, negotiator, coach and manager with 10 years of experience in managerial positions

Sebastian Gościniarek

Founder and partner at BBSG, a consulting company specializing in work for the aviation sector, an expert in the aviation industry

Anna Drzewiecka

Expert in the field of crisis management in civil aviation, crisis management manager at PLL LOT

Mariusz Kuczek

Independent air cargo consultant

Jim Robinson

Expert in strategic planning and project development in air transport

Piotr Schielmann

An expert in airport planning, the use and development of tools for air traffic analysis and airport capacity

Mateusz Dziudziel

Director of the LOT Polish Airlines Fuel Office, Chairman of the LOT Polish Airlines Fuel Efficiency Committee

Maciej Uzarski

Marine navigator, pilot, captain of the Dash 8 Q400 aircraft at LOT Polish Airlines

Dominika Marzec

Transport Engineer specialising in Air Navigation, Compliance Manager of Warsaw Chopin Airport and Zielona Góra-Babimost Airport

Wojciech Ociesa

Pilot, airport infrastructure planner at CPK in the Strategy and Planning Office

Maciej Włodarczyk

Head of the Centre for UTM Systems Development and Unmanned Aircraft Operations at the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency

Piotr Dolata

Lawyer, Appointed Civil Servant, Diplomat with 18 years of experience in the Polish foreign service

Paweł Korzec

Pilot, editor-in-chief of the; Co-author of the PansaUTM system and the Droneradar Space project

sebastian mikosz

Sebastian Mikosz

Aviation Management Program Director, President of the Management Board of Poczta Polska SA and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Polska Grupa Lotnicza (PGL SA)

Jarosław Błaszczak

Specialist in structuring the financing of airports implemented by PPL

Marcin Świegocki

Attorney at law, manager in the public sector (MSP, MI, ULC) and aviation companies (MRO and handling)

Andrzej Słodownik

Air transport expert, long-term employee of PLL LOT, incl. in the area of ​​air operations management or strategic planning of the network of connections

Marcin Samek

Pilot, consultant for the 45 AI agency within the McCANN Poland Group

Agnieszka Fortońska

Senior Specialist in the Strategy and Development Office of Polskie Porty Lotnicze S.A.

Magdalena Mossakowska – Borys

With 20 years in the aviation industry, she has worked for airlines such as KLM, British Airways, Centrawings and Sprint Air.

Jan Jansen

He has over 35 years experience in the provision of senior aviation managment expierence including holding senior executive positions at two of the world’s largest airports.

Anna Biernacka-Rygiel

PhD in Political Science. Graduate of the University of Warsaw. Professionally involved in the aviation sector since 2020. 

Ewa Owedyk

Legal counsel, author of publications on passenger data protection in the field of air transportation.

Artur Dermanowski

Flight instructor, with FI (FI/CPL/IR/ME) and MCCI ratings. Airline pilot in PLL LOT, currently captain of an Embraer 195 aircraft.

Maciej Pilipiuk

Instructor Lecturer.  Worked as a pilot-captain on ATR 72, Boeing 737 300 – 900, Boeing 747-400 aircraft in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America.

Graham Lake

Specialist in international aviation policy advocacy. Period as a Director General of CANSO, the Trade Association for Air Navigation Service Providers. Graham has also  spent years leading the aviation services division of ARINC.

Maciej Jan Lenartowicz

Aviation industry expert with extensive experience in flight operations, strategy and finance.

Bartosz Tkaczyk

Organizational Development and Human Resource Expert, Strategy Advisor, Certified MBA Instructor in Case Study

Radosław Włoszek

From 2016 to 2024, President of the Management Board of the John Paul II

Krakow-Balice International Airport Ltd.

Sebastian Mikosz

Dyrektor Programu Aviation Management

Magdalena Jaworska

International expert in the field of transport policy, former President of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency

Joanna Wolf

Experienced manager in the aviation industry with more than 30 years of experience with the International Air Transport Association (IATA). 

Michał Witkowski

Chief Operating Officer, PPL S.A. Deputy Port Director

Jarosław Błaszczak

Specjalista ds. strukturyzacji finansowania portów lotniczych realizowanych przez PPL

Leszek Sieluk

Former president of the board of EuroLOT, former vice president of PETROLOT, management expert in the aviation industry

Marek Serafin

Former director of PLL LOT, specialist in the field of airline operations, including responsible for network planning, fleet, price management and product development at PLL LOT

Ewa Kołowiecka

Aviation operations safety expert, former member of the Supervisory Board of PLL LOT