Lazarski Aviation Academy

Lazarski Aviation Academy is a dynamically developing research center that offers unique studies combining 
the aviation industry with law and business.
 We conduct scientific research and organize 
conferences attracting experts from around the world.

What do we offer?

Undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and MBA studies for future pilots, lawyers and managers of the aviation industry.


Our offer includes majors and specialties such as: Aviation Law and Professional Pilot License, Airline Management, Air Traffic Administration, LL.M in Air Law, Aviation Safety Management, MBA in Aviation.

What’s unique?

We are the only center in Poland that very closely combines legal and business studies with the aviation industry. We educate narrowly specialized professionals and place great emphasis on practice and individualization of the teaching process. We work with world-class experts.


We closely cooperate with IATA, LOT Polish Airlines, Polish Aviation Group, Central Communication Port, PANSA.

Our programmes

🎓 Level: First-cycle studies
🏫 Mode: Part-time studies
⏳ Duration: 3 years
🇺🇸 Language: Polish
🔢 Admission limit: 10

The Polish aviation market shows great growth potential, one of the largest in Europe. The constantly growing volume of air traffic generates the need to employ suitably qualified employees, also in the civil aviation administration.

During your studies as part of the Air Traffic Administration specialization, you will learn about the structure and organization of civil aviation, its financing and the rules of conducting aviation activities, as well as the legal regulations regarding air navigation, with particular emphasis on air traffic safety. You will also acquire practical skills, inter alia, in the field of passenger traffic planning and proper organization of communication in an airline facility.


Air traffic administration guarantees a stable job in the future. Potential industries:

  • The Ministry of Infrastructure, The State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigation, The Council for the Protection and Facilitation of Civil Aviation, The Civil Aviation Office, etc .;
  • International organizations dealing with civil aviation;
  • Institutions dealing with air traffic management, airspace and air traffic organization;
  • Airports;
  • Companies related to the operation of airports;
  • Air navigation service providers;
  • Ground handling companies;
  • Airlines;
  • Consortia involved in the production of aircraft, e.g. Airbus

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🎓 Level: Second-cycle studies
🏫 Mode: Hybrid
⏳ Duration: 2 years
🇺🇸 Language: English
🔢 Admission limit: 10

The Airline Management is for people who plan to develop their professional careers, working in managerial positions in the airline industry.

The need to educate qualified staff and improve the competences of employees is a necessary condition in the process of aviation reform in Poland and throughout the world. The Airline Management program was created together with partners – IATAPLL LOTPolska Grupa Lotnicza to adapt to the requirements and challenges of the fastly developing industry.


The Airline Management specialization opens up a number of career opportunities in all kinds of managerial positions, primarily in airlines, but also in Polish and international organizations dealing with civil aviation.

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🎓 Level: First-cycle studies
🏫 Mode: Full-time studies
⏳ Duration: 3 years
🇺🇸 Language: English
🔢 Admission limit: 10

Aviation Law and Professional Pilot License presents the only studies-program in Poland that combines professional pilot training with teaching aviation law. If you dream of flying,but at the same time you want to graduate from university with a diploma and academic title – this program is for you.


Despite the temporary difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is still predicted that over 635,000 new pilots will be needed in the next 10-15 years, including more than 146,000 in Europe alone. After graduation, you will be able to start a career in the international air transportation job market with airlines around the world.

Jobs after graduation:

  • pilot
  • lawyer
  • an employee of institutions related to aviation (airports, Civil Aviation Office, Ministry of Infrastructure, PANSA, SCAAI, aeroclubs, etc.)

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🎓 Level: Post-graduate studies
🏫 Mode: Part-time
⏳ Duration: 1 year
🇺🇸 Language: Polish

Postgraduate studies in aviation law emerged as a response to filling the educational gap in the field of postgraduate education, in particular with changes in the following fields:

  • technological development related to the widespread use of new aircraft structures and air traffic management systems;
  • standardization of regulations, rules and procedures in international relations;
    structural and functional integration of aviation
  • surveillance and accident investigation.


After graduating, you can start working in the following industries:

  • The Ministry of Infrastructure, the State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigation, the Council for the Protection and Facilitation of Civil Aviation, the Civil Aviation Office, etc .;
  • International organizations dealing with civil aviation;
  • Institutions dealing with air traffic management, airspace and air traffic organization; at airports;
  • Companies related to the operation of airports;
  • Air navigation service providers;
  • Ground handling companies;
  • Airlines;
  • Consortia involved in the production of aircraft, e.g. Airbus.

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🎓 Level: Post-graduate studies
🏫 Mode: Part-time
⏳ Duration: 1 year
🇺🇸 Language: Polish

The course was created for people interested in the issues of security management in civil aviation, in particular for aviation industry practitioners. The study program allows you to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge, but above all, to gain practical skills.


  • The Ministry of Infrastructure, the State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigation, the Council for the Protection and Facilitation of Civil Aviation, the Civil Aviation Office, etc.;
  • international organizations dealing with civil aviation;
  • Institutions dealing with air traffic management, airspace and air traffic organization;
  • Airports;
  • Companies related to the operation of airports;
  • Air navigation service providers;
  • Ground handling companies;
  • Airlines;
  • Consortia involved in the production of aircraft, e.g. Airbus.

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🎓 Level: MBA
🏫 Mode: Part-time
⏳ Duration: 1,5 years
🇺🇸 Language: Polish

Civil aviation, both in Poland and around the world, is developing very dynamically. However, the experience so far indicates a gap in the managerial competencies of the staff supervising and managing various aviation institutions.

The need to educate qualified staff and improve the competences of those who already participate in the process of managing or supervising aviation entities is today a prerequisite for the reform process in this industry.


MBA studies in aviation open up a number of career opportunities in all types of management positions:

  • in airlines;
  • in companies related to the operation of airports;
  • at airports;
  • in ground handling companies;
  • in Polish and international organizations dealing with civil aviation;
  • in the Ministry of Infrastructure, the State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigation, the Council for the Protection and Facilitation of Civil Aviation, the Civil Aviation Office;
  • in institutions dealing with air traffic management, air space and air traffic organization.

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Academy Members

Anna Konert

Director of Lazarski Aviation Academy, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration

Tomasz Balcerzak

Military pilot, former CEO of Eurolot Airlines, expert in the aviation industry

Mateusz Osiecki

International law specialist, editor of the portal “International Observer”

Piotr Kasprzyk

Legal advisor, pilot, director of the Airport Component at the Central Communications Port

Agnieszka Kunert-Diallo

Chief Compliance Officer at PLL “Lot”, Director of the Compliance Department at the Polish Aviation Group

Ewa Jasiuk

Advocate, expert in European and international aviation law

Anna Konert

Director of Lazarski Aviation Academy, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration

Anna Konert

Tomasz Balcerzak

Military pilot, former CEO of Eurolot Airlines, expert in the aviation industry

Tomasz Balcerzak

Mateusz Osiecki

International law specialist, editor of the portal “International Observer”

Mateusz Osiecki

Piotr Kasprzyk

Legal advisor, pilot, director of the Airport Component at the Central Communications Port

Piotr Kasprzyk

Agnieszka Kunert-Diallo

Chief Compliance Officer at PLL “Lot”, Director of the Compliance Department at the Polish Aviation Group

Agnieszka Kunert-Diallo

Ewa Jasiuk

Advocate, expert in European and international aviation law

Ewa Jasiuk


What our partners say

Piotr Kasprzyk

The importance of the aviation law in the piloting profession should be particularly emphasized. Graduates will easily find employment in Poland, the European Union and all around the world

Piotr Kasprzyk

attorney-at-law, aviation law specialist, Director of the Airport Component at the Central Communication Port
Jan Litwiński

The unique combination of aviation law and ATPL training is a “grand slam"! Graduates will not only become pilots, but also gain extensive legal knowledge, enabling them to work in civil aviation authorities and institutions. Sometimes life circumstances bring pilots back to the earth and aviation law graduates can continue to work in the aviation industry and do what they love most

Jan Litwiński

former vice-chairman of the National Aviation Council, former President and General Director of PLL LOT.
Mikołaj Wild

For the CPK, which is currently the largest infrastructure investment in Poland, the support of the scientific and research sector is absolutely crucial. Cooperation brings benefits for both parties: Lazarski Aviation Academy gains a relationship with a prospective employer, and the CPK gains access to an important research center and its professional staff.

Mikołaj Wild

president of Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK)

Where dreams take off.

Lazarski Aviation Academy offers undergraduate, 
graduate and postgraduate and MBA studies for future pilots,  as well as lawyers and managers of the aviation industry.