Luc Tytgat

Luc Tytgat

Luc TYTGAT acted as Executive Director and High Representative of the EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) in 2023 and 2024, taking over the helm of the Agency at the end of the previous Executive Director’s mandate pending the nomination of the new Director.



Luc led the EASA agency with a steady hand, ensuring continuity of delivery on EASA’s mission, good relations with stakeholders and the EASA Management Board and improved social climate within the Agency.

Luc had joined EASA in January 2015 as its Strategy and Safety Management Director. In this role, he successfully increased the level of safety intelligence and developed a better and more agile aviation regulatory framework. He set the strategic direction for key emerging challenges faced by the aerospace sector, such as countering climate change and new safety risks, in particular cybersecurity, conflict zones, and health (e.g. Covid). EASA’s research and innovation activities and the Agency’s engagement with all aviation stakeholders through international cooperation also expanded positively and significantly under his guidance.

He was Director of the Pan-European Single Sky Directorate at Eurocontrol from 2011 until 2015, having previously worked for more than 20 years within the European Commission where he exercised the functions of member of the Cabinet of the Transport Commissioner and then Head of Unit in the fields of R&D, EU space programmes and air transport. Luc had been an active officer for 10 years in the Belgian Air Force before joining the European Commission.

Graduated from the Belgian Royal Military Academy as Engineer in Aeronautics and also holds a Master in Public Management from the Solvay Business School in Brussels. He is married and the proud father of four children.