The main topic of which was innovation in the field of civil aviation, incl. big data and AI solutions at airports. Professor Anna ...
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS22)
Numerous reports indicate that drones will gradually replace “traditional” (manned) aviation in such fields as aerial photography, infrastructure monitoring or search and ...
Conference: “Legal Aspects of Practicing Aviation Sports”
Join us on 16-17 June 2022, Leszno, Mickiewicza Street 5 You are welcome to register here: We hope to see you soon!
Conference: Towards “green aviation”
The conference was divided into three panels: the first was devoted to the industry's challenges under the European Green Deal, the next ...
Lazarski University at Pilot Careers Day
The event was dedicated primarily to high school students interested in studies related to aviation. Fair visitors had the opportunity to participate in ...
#AVION meeting – A day in the life of an air dispatcher
Among other things, the answers to the above questions were revealed to the participants of the AVION Interdepartmental Science Club on April ...
New Faculty Partnership
Cooperation with our new partner pertains to the improvement of the program Airline Management. Thanks to the established agreements, students of this ...
The Central Communication Port is a new partner of Lazarski University
The parties declared their willingness to cooperate on scientific and educational projects. The areas of agreement include joint development of master's and ...
Conference: Aviation safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
The aim of the event was also to establish cooperation between communities representing all areas of aviation, with particular emphasis on the ...
Our students met a legendary Polish cosmonaut
During the meeting, the cosmonaut talked not only about his life and career path from an aviator to a cosmonaut, but also ...